Saturday, November 26, 2011

We Can End Racism

           We do not choose our parents, nor do we choose the nationality and the race that we are born into. It is not a mistake to born into a particular race. What is a mistake, rather, an abomination, is discriminating against other races. For what cause you may ask? Sheer ignorance, perhaps. Or hatred fueled by nothing but misconceptions. This is racism. It is a problem that is so widespread in our world; in every country that you visit, racism exists.

            I once had a classmate who was bullied because she was Indian. Although my other classmates had no reason to get to make fun of her, or to get mad at her, they just did so without any formidable reason. This is an example of why racism is pointless. Racism can give us nothing but hatred and pain. What good can it do for our society, for the betterment of the state of our nation?

           I remember reading about the segregation of blacks and whites in the United States back when I was young. Even back then I already sympathized for the African Americans who were unjustly treated and discriminated against by the stronger "white" man. Little did I know that this kind of discrimination was happening worldwide, and that it threatens the life of some people.

           I must admit, I, too, let out a few ethnic/racial slurs from time to time, but in a joking manner. But even jokes should be taken into consideration since not all jokes are funny; some are offensive to others and this may be a cause of an issue. Racism is no laughing matter, and everyone should know this.

           We must respect others' cultures and physical characteristics as we, ourselves, would want to be respected. Racism must be stopped. An end to racism means a world with more freedom; people would be comfortable with who they are and who they are with. There will no longer be any segregation or separation of the peoples. We will be as one; a unified population.

An example of jokes on racism.


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